Request Energy Cost Estimate General Information Your Name (required) Company Your Email (required) Your Phone Number (required) Project Information Proposed Project Location Select Operation Type (required) Select OneData CenterManufacturingOfficeWarehouse - Distribution New Location or Expansion of Existing Facility Size of Facility (Sq.Ft.) Number of Jobs Created Estimated Investment ($) Electric Requirements Voltage (required) Select OnePrimarySecondary Anticipated Peak Demand (KW) Estimated Load Factor Annual Usage (kWh) Number of Shifts Operating per Day Select OneOneTwoThree Number of Days Operating in a Week Select OneOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSeven Does Your Project Require Dual Feed? Select OneYesNo Permanent Power Needed By Other Needs Upon receiving this information, Evergy's economic development team will provide you with an electric cost estimate, cost to serve analysis and information on how the site or facility will be served.